第62章 大卫受膏
Chap. 62 - The Anointing of David
伯利恒在“大君的京城”耶路撒冷的南边约有十几里路,耶西的儿子大卫就是在这里出世的。一千多年之后,耶稣降生在马槽里,博士从东方来朝拜他也是在这里。在救主降世的好几个世纪之前,童子大卫就在伯利恒四围的山地上看守羊群。这个天真烂漫的牧童歌唱他自己所编写的诗篇,并用琴弹出美妙的旋律,伴奏着他那柔嫩的童子歌声。耶和华已经拣选了大卫,并在牧养羊群的独处生活中准备他,使他将来能胜任上帝所要委托他的工作。[1]{PP 637.1}
A few miles south of Jerusalem, "the city of the great King," is Bethlehem, where David, the son of Jesse, was born more than a thousand years before the infant Jesus was cradled in the manger and worshiped by the Wise Men from the East. Centuries before the advent of the Saviour, David, in the freshness of boyhood, kept watch of his flocks as they grazed on the hills surrounding Bethlehem. The simple shepherd boy sang the songs of his own composing, and the music of his harp made a sweet accompaniment to the melody of his fresh young voice. The Lord had chosen David, and was preparing him, in his solitary life with his flocks, for the work He designed to commit to his trust in after years.{PP 637.1}[1]
正当大卫在隐僻之处度他平凡的牧羊生活时,耶和华上帝已经对先知撒母耳谈起他的事了,说:“我既厌弃扫罗作以色列的王,你为他悲伤要到几时呢?你将膏油盛满了角,我差遣你往伯利恒人耶西那里去,因为我在他众子之内,预定一个作王的。……你可以带一只牛犊去,就说我来是要向耶和华献祭。你要请耶西来吃祭肉,我就指示你所当行的事,我所指给你的人你要膏他。撒母耳就照耶和华的话去行;到了伯利恒,那城里的长老都战战兢兢的出来迎接他,问他说:你是为平安来的吗?他说:为平安来的。”(见撒上16:4,5)撒母耳请了长老们来吃祭肉,耶西和他的众子也在被请之列。于是他们筑了祭坛,备了祭物。耶西的全家,除了幼子大卫之外,都来赴席;他们留下大卫看守羊群。因为羊群若没有人防护是不妥当的。[2]{PP 637.2}
While David was thus living in the retirement of his humble shepherd's life, the Lord God was speaking about him to the prophet Samuel. "And the Lord said unto Samuel, How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him from reigning over Israel? fill thine horn with oil, and go, I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehemite: for I have provided Me a king among his sons. . . . Take an heifer with thee, and say, I am come to sacrifice to the Lord. And call Jesse to the sacrifice, and I will show thee what thou shalt do: and thou shalt anoint unto Me him whom I name unto thee. And Samuel did that which the Lord spake, and came to Bethlehem. And the elders of the town trembled at his coming, and said, Comest thou peaceably? And he said, Peaceably." The elders accepted an invitation to the sacrifice, and Samuel called also Jesse and his sons. The altar was built and the sacrifice was ready. All the household of Jesse were present, with the exception of David, the youngest son, who had been left to guard the sheep, for it was not safe to leave the flocks unprotected. {PP 637.2}[2]
撒母耳献完了祭,在还未吃祭肉之先,就开始以先知的眼光观察耶西众子的高尚风度。以利押是耶西的长子,他的身材和丰采比他的弟兄更像扫罗。他英俊的相貌和优良的体格,引起了先知的注意。撒母耳看到他那君王般的风度,心里就说:“这必是耶和华所拣选继续扫罗王位的人。”他等待上帝的认可,以便用膏膏他。但耶和华并不看人的外貌。以利押并不是一个敬畏耶和华的人;如果他蒙召作王,就必要作一个骄傲苛刻的暴君。耶和华对撒母耳说:“不要看他的外貌和他身材高大,我不拣选他,因为耶和华不像人看人,人是看外貌,耶和华是看内心。”外表的俊秀并不能使人得上帝的称赞。唯有在品格和举止上所显出的智慧和卓越,才能表现一个人真正的优秀;唯有内在的品质,内心的优越,才能决定我们是否为万军之耶和华所悦纳。我们在判断自己和别人的事上,应当如何深深地体会到这一点啊!我们可以从撒母耳的错误上,得知以外貌和身材取人是多么不切实际。又可以看出人的睿智若缺少上天特别的光照,就不能明白人心的隐情,也不能领悟上帝的旨意。上帝对他所造之物的意念和作为,是过于我们有限的心智所能领略的;但我们可以确知他的儿女必能充当他们所配担任的职位,必能完成所交托他们的工作;只要他们肯顺服上帝的旨意,必能使他慈善的计划不致为人的悖谬所挫折。[3]{PP 638.1}
When the sacrifice was ended, and before partaking of the offering feast, Samuel began his prophetic inspection of the noble-appearing sons of Jesse. Eliab was the eldest, and more nearly resembled Saul for stature and beauty than the others. His comely features and finely developed form attracted the attention of the prophet. As Samuel looked upon his princely bearing, he thought, "This is indeed the man whom God has chosen as successor to Saul," and he waited for the divine sanction that he might anoint him. But Jehovah did not look upon the outward appearance. Eliab did not fear the Lord. Had he been called to the throne, he would have been a proud, exacting ruler. The Lord's word to Samuel was, "Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." No outward beauty can recommend the soul to God. The wisdom and excellence revealed in the character and deportment, express the true beauty of the man; and it is the inner worth, the excellency of the heart, that determines our acceptance with the Lord of hosts. How deeply should we feel this truth in the judgment of ourselves and others. We may learn from the mistake of Samuel how vain is the estimation that rests on beauty of face or nobility of stature. We may see how incapable is man's wisdom of understanding the secrets of the heart or of comprehending the counsels of God without special enlightenment from heaven. The thoughts and ways of God in relation to His creatures are above our finite minds; but we may be assured that His children will be brought to fill the very place for which they are qualified, and will be enabled to accomplish the very work committed to their hands, if they will but submit their will to God, that His beneficent plans may not be frustrated by the perversity of man.{PP 638.1}[3]
以利押经撒母耳的审视之后,他六个参加献祭礼的弟兄也一一地从先知面前经过;但耶和华并没有指明他要拣选其中的任何人。撒母耳焦灼地看着这几个青年人,直至最后的一个在他面前经过后,他就感觉非常困惑了。他问耶西说:“你的儿子都在这里吗?”父亲回答说:“还有个小的,现在放羊。”先知撒母耳说;你打发人把他叫来,“他若不来,我们必不坐席。”[4]{PP 638.2}
Eliab passed from the inspection of Samuel, and the six brothers who were in attendance at the service followed in succession to be observed by the prophet; but the Lord did not signify His choice of any one of them. With painful suspense Samuel had looked upon the last of the young men; the prophet was perplexed and bewildered. He inquired of Jesse, "Are here all thy children?" The father answered, "There remaineth yet the youngest, and behold, he keepeth the sheep." Samuel directed that he should be summoned, saying, "We will not sit down till he come hither." {PP 638.2}[4]
使者把先知来到伯利恒并打发人叫他的消息,都告诉了这个独自放羊的牧人大卫,他听到这个出乎意外的呼召,就甚为诧异,他惊奇地询问,这个以色列的先知兼士师为什么要见他?但他毫不迟疑地答应这个呼召。“他面色光红,双目清秀容貌俊美。”当撒母耳以愉快的心情看着这个俊美、刚毅,而谦恭的牧童时,就有耶和华的声音对先知说:“这就是他,你起来膏他。”大卫在平凡的牧羊工作上,显明自己是又勇敢,又忠实的,所以现在上帝拣选了他作他百姓的首长。于是“撒母耳就用角里的膏油,在(从)他诸兄中膏了他;从这日起,耶和华的灵就大大感动大卫。”先知已经作完了他被指派的工作,就安心地回到拉玛去了。[5]{PP 641.1}
The lonely shepherd was startled by the unexpected call of the messenger, who announced that the prophet had come to Bethlehem and had sent for him. With surprise he questioned why the prophet and judge of Israel should desire to see him; but without delay he obeyed the call. "Now he was ruddy, and withal of a beautiful countenance, and goodly to look to." As Samuel beheld with pleasure the handsome, manly, modest shepherd boy, the voice of the Lord spoke to the prophet, saying, "Arise, anoint him: for this is he." David had proved himself brave and faithful in the humble office of a shepherd, and now God had chosen him to be captain of His people. "Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of [from among] his brethren: and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward." The prophet had accomplished his appointed work, and with a relieved heart he returned to Ramah.{PP 641.1}[5]
撒母耳未曾把他的任务告诉人,连耶西家里的人也不知道他来是为了什么事,因为大卫受膏的仪式是在暗中举行的。这是要暗示这个青年人,使他知道自己远大的前途,以便在将来所要遭遇的各种经验和危险之中鼓舞他,使他忠于上帝在他身上所要成全的旨意。[6]{PP 641.2}
Samuel had not made known his errand, even to the family of Jesse, and the ceremony of anointing David had been performed in secret. It was an intimation to the youth of the high destiny awaiting him, that amid all the varied experiences and perils of his coming years, this knowledge might inspire him to be true to the purpose of God to be accomplished by his life.{PP 641.2}[6]
大卫并未因他所得的极大尊荣而骄矜。虽然他将要居这崇高的地位,但依然安分守己地从事他的工作,等待耶和华在他自己预定的时期,按他自己的方法,来实现他的计划。这个牧童像受膏之前一样,谦卑虚心地回到山间,依然温慈地看守着保护着他的羊群,但这时他以新的灵感来题他的诗篇,轻拢他的琴弦。在他面前到处是各样美丽的风景。结果累累的葡萄树在日光下鲜艳夺目;林内树上茂密的绿枝临风摇曳。他看到太阳灿烂地升上天空,“如同新郎出洞房,又如勇士欢然奔路。”那里有雄伟的山峰高入云霄,在遥远之处有摩押的崇山峻岭;其上铺张着蔚蓝色的穹苍。穹苍以上就是上帝了。大卫虽然看不见上帝,但他的赞美中满了称颂上帝作为的话语。白日的光辉把树林和山岭,牧场和溪流,都镶成金黄色,使人心中想起众光之父,就是“各样美善的恩赐,和各样全备的赏赐”的泉源。这一个青年的诗人,天天得到创造主品格和威严的启示,使他心中充满了崇敬和喜乐。由于默想上帝和他的作为,大卫的心思和才力就都发展增强起来,以便应付将来的工作。他一天天与上帝的交往更加密切。他的心中经常领悟到新的奥意,用诗体写成新句,用琴音奏出新声。他悠扬的歌调响应于群山之间,好像是在应和天上使者的欢乐声音。[7]{PP 641.3}
The great honor conferred upon David did not serve to elate him. Notwithstanding the high position which he was to occupy, he quietly continued his employment, content to await the development of the Lord's plans in His own time and way. As humble and modest as before his anointing, the shepherd boy returned to the hills and watched and guarded his flocks as tenderly as ever. But with new inspiration he composed his melodies and played upon his harp. Before him spread a landscape of rich and varied beauty. The vines, with their clustering fruit, brightened in the sunshine. The forest trees, with their green foliage, swayed in the breeze. He beheld the sun flooding the heavens with light, coming forth as a bridegroom out of his chamber and rejoicing as a strong man to run a race. There were the bold summits of the hills reaching toward the sky; in the faraway distance rose the barren cliffs of the mountain wall of Moab; above all spread the tender blue of the overarching heavens. And beyond was God. He could not see Him, but His works were full of His praise. The light of day, gilding forest and mountain, meadow and stream, carried the mind up to behold the Father of lights, the Author of every good and perfect gift. Daily revelations of the character and majesty of his Creator filled the young poet's heart with adoration and rejoicing. In contemplation of God and His works the faculties of David's mind and heart were developing and strengthening for the work of his afterlife. He was daily coming into a more intimate communion with God. His mind was constantly penetrating into new depths for fresh themes to inspire his song and to wake the music of his harp. The rich melody of his voice poured out upon the air, echoed from the hills as if responsive to the rejoicing of the angels' songs in heaven.{PP 641.3}[7]
谁能估计大卫那些年间在寂寞的山中辛劳飘泊的成效呢?他在卑微的命运中,与大自然和上帝交往,看守着他的羊群,以及他所遭遇所逃脱的危险,所经的忧愁,所有的喜乐,不但陶冶了他的品格,影响了他将来的生活,也曾借着这以色列歌唱家所写的诗篇,在后世上帝的子民心中激发起信心和爱心来,使他们更亲近那万物借以生存的永爱之主。[8]{PP 642.1}
Who can measure the results of those years of toil and wandering among the lonely hills? The communion with nature and with God, the care of his flocks, the perils and deliverances, the griefs and joys, of his lowly lot, were not only to mold the character of David and to influence his future life, but through the psalms of Israel's sweet singer they were in all coming ages to kindle love and faith in the hearts of God's people, bringing them nearer to the ever-loving heart of Him in whom all His creatures live.{PP 642.1}[8]
大卫在身体优良和精力充沛的青年时期,正在准备担任一个崇高的地位,与世上最高贵的伟人并驾齐驱。他用自己的才能,就是上帝所赐给他最宝贵的恩赐,来颂扬那厚赐与人的上帝的荣耀。他深思默想的机会,使他在智慧和敬虔上格外丰富起来,使他得蒙上帝和天使的喜悦。当他思念创造主的完全时,他对上帝就有了更清楚的认识。晦涩的题目得了启迪,艰深难懂的事物得以明了,困惑矛盾的问题得以一致;每一线新的光芒使他发出新的乐音,写出更美妙的诗章,归荣耀给他的上帝和救赎主。那感动着他的慈爱,那环绕着他的忧伤,和那追随着他的胜利,这一切都是他活泼的思想所充满的旨趣;当他在自己人生的一切遭遇中看到上帝的爱时,他的心就涌出了更热烈的崇拜和感谢,他的口就唱出内容更丰富的歌曲,他的琴就奏出更欢乐的音调,于是这个牧童才智猛进,能力日增,因为有耶和华的灵在他身上。[9]{PP 642.2}
David, in the beauty and vigor of his young manhood, was preparing to take a high position with the noblest of the earth. His talents, as precious gifts from God, were employed to extol the glory of the divine Giver. His opportunities of contemplation and meditation served to enrich him with that wisdom and piety that made him beloved of God and angels. As he contemplated the perfections of his Creator, clearer conceptions of God opened before his soul. Obscure themes were illuminated, difficulties were made plain, perplexities were harmonized, and each ray of new light called forth fresh bursts of rapture, and sweeter anthems of devotion, to the glory of God and the Redeemer. The love that moved him, the sorrows that beset him, the triumphs that attended him, were all themes for his active thought; and as he beheld the love of God in all the providences of his life, his heart throbbed with more fervent adoration and gratitude, his voice rang out in a richer melody, his harp was swept with more exultant joy; and the shepherd boy proceeded from strength to strength, from knowledge to knowledge; for the Spirit of the Lord was upon him.{PP 642.2}[9]
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